Anger & Abandonment

Client can sometimes feel angered & abandoned because they have been removed from their home & possessions to live in a new & unfamiliar living space & sometimes shared room/living space.

This can result in anger, frustration, & feeling of abandonment towards family members/friends

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  1. This not uncommon and may go away once the individual get accustomed to their new home. Try to give it some time and then see if things change.

  2. Anger and frustration are loaded experiences for those living with dementia. As a family member or caregiver, it’s up to us to investigate using cues and intentional activities, where the core frustration is coming from. Often times we find that it’s not what *we* think it is.

    Here are some great tips for responding to anger and frustration:

    – Limit overstimulating sounds, lights and people and offer quiet, relaxing space– Limit overstimulating sounds, lights and people and offer quiet, relaxing space

    – Rule out pain by checking for grimacing, changes in breathing, asking the PWD how he or she is feeling and if anything hurts

    -Stay calm, ensure your loved one is safe and step away and take a break if you feel yourself becoming too stressed to respond calmly

  3. In my experience, people often get upset when they are removed from their homes and placed elsewhere. For many, they will become accustomed to the new surrounding although they may never totally accept it. Using items like memory boxes or other familiar objects and pictures and reminiscing may help. The biggest thing is to give it time,